Unmixr AI - Text to Speech, AI Chat (GPT-4,Claude-3 & more) & Copywriting

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Q: Do you plan to reduce features for your new investors again when you no longer find them profitable ?

I see your offer is yearly available on AppSumo !?

Isn't it a trap to take your "premium credit offer" if it doesn't renew until I’ve used up all my "standard credits" ?

Are you changed the deal for your old users ?

I invested in your project when you needed funds, when all functions were available, by paying the equivalent of 2 years upfront, and appear you still lose money after 2 months by restrict functions, well, can we assume that your economic model will stop once you have exhausted this life-time deal source ?

With no respect for your big investors,
Do you plan to launch a self-sustaining service with small regular users one day ?

Why do you offer more credits for same price on your "exactly cloned" website named "ChatScribe Pro" on AppSumo ? And why does they have features which were on the roadmap, that we do not have ?

MikeLeeFRSep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Hello MikeLeeFR,
Honestly, we are working on focusing long term goal and achievements for both Unmixr AI and ChatScribe Pro. And why should we change deal for our old users because you guys have put trust on us when we needed initial funds.

I completely understand your frustration seeing a lot of instability happening over the market.

The ChatScribe Pro has been designed and planned for a complete different set of customers than Unmixr AI. We have created a framework by our own. Both our product are based on the core framework and the initial chatscribe pro was launched by reusing many of the components from Unmixr AI to make launch faster.

ChatScribe Pro primarily focused on transcription, document chat, repurpose the audio/video and documents into content, document translation.
It's all about transcription, chat and translation.

After the initial launch, we had to reform our team that took around couple of months and slowed down the development work.

The ChatScribe Pro and Unmixr AI team share features that is similar and serve common purpose. Like the chat and doc translation are both common to the platforms but ChatScribe Pro has a strong focus on primarily on transcription and Unmixr is primarily focusing on text to speech, chat and dubbing. After the next release in coming week, you will see my words taken into the product.

As a startup, you will realize we need to adjust features, add new feature, fix bugs and lots of other challenges that slow down the progress but that does not mean we are not committed.

From the very beginning, we have been focusing on long term goal rather than achieving short term immediate goals. You might have seen lots of startups had to shutdown their operation due to various reason. We addressed those issues and focusing on sustainability from the very beginning.

I think you will agree, rather than shut down the product and go out of market putting you all at risk, if we continue focusing on long term sustainability that might slowed down the product a bit - but definitely a win-win situation for both of us as a product owners and as esteemed investors like you.

Please keep trust on us and we will not disappoint you.

Let me know any further queries over email.


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 19, 2024

Regarding my ask and negative rather, I have never asked for a refund, so, I do not fit into the scenario mentioned. I am very satisfied with your services, but,

if I cannot use them... U see the point !

I no longer have the offer i had initially buyed, I've been stuck with my initial chat credit from 6 months. due to including old users to newest offers and downgrading Premium Credits for all

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 19, 2024

You respond openly to continue by email, but I have already written to you 5 times ! (by chat, review form, and email), and I have never received a response.

If you tell me that everything is progressing, I hope so, and I promise that my comment (and ask) will be removed/completed as quickly as I regain my functionalities.

Just: don't link premium to regular credit, and give more 4 old customers

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