Unmixr AI - Text to Speech, AI Chat (GPT-4,Claude-3 & more) & Copywriting

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Q: Voice clone - offered in LTD or addon?

As you have already known, many have asked about voice clone feature. Can you please confirm when you said 'maybe offered to Appsumo high tier, or Addon'. If you are planning to offer it to LTD deal, what is the minimum tier for voice clone? It's a deal breaker if it is only offered as addon. Thanks

ErozeninSep 7, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024

A: It will not be part of LTD. Might be offered as addon.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

But you said that they included it in TIER 4 that's why I bought it. I copy your answer here:
GenPlyPLUS Jun 18, 2024 - voice clone be included as LTD? in which tier?
Shariful96421Jun 19, 2024 - A: We have plan to include as addons in Tier 4 but if there any change in plan we will update accordingly.

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