Unmixr AI - Text to Speech, AI Chat (GPT-4,Claude-3 & more) & Copywriting

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Member since: Mar 2024Deals bought: 12
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2 stars
Posted: Sep 19, 2024

Beware – Untrustworthy Founder!

Attention! Do not trust this founder. I was an early investor in Unmixr AI, and: The main "text to voice" product was good, and evolve, slowly, but... They've taken our money without delivering on initial commitments, by downgrading my promised others Chat or AI features, and restricting my access to ALL "premium AI models" (and force low tokens responses). The roadmap is full of incomplete promises, but, all while launching a new clone product, "ChatScribe Pro," to re-sell the same evolved dubbing and AI features.

To make matters worse: YOU NEED TO KNOW "monthly credits" don't renew as expected but only upon full usage, forcing you to utilize unwanted features. This business model mentality seems purely for investor attraction, not for other customers, and potentially leading to abrupt service discontinuation. Proceed with caution !

If you respond to me: Don't say you'll take care of it... DO IT!

The team never responded to my numbered messages about this! Be sure that while you'll get beautiful sentences in the first days, the "Premium Support" is a lie. Only trust ME! (I'll modify or notify if that changes)

I hope this helps!

Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

Hello MikeLeeFR,

I understand your frustration. and I respectfully disagree with the use of the word 'untrustworthy'.

We currently have balance issues as the known one. Regarding the downgrading of tiers, did you ever refunded codes in AppSumo for Unmixr AI? It can only happen if you ever refunded AppSumo codes and then repurchased. It happens automatically, we upload the refunded codes to the program and it takes care.

We have fixed the balance issue but few of our users are still experiencing this issue and we apologies for that. Issues will be fixed eventually.

As a startup, we have to deal with tons of issues and challenges. If you comment something bad without thinking twice, it just make our journey tougher. The issues will be resolved as the product evolves over time.

We are here for doing long term business. Chatscribe pro will have tons of enhancements focusing on transcription, doc chat and content generation. You will see it in coming weeks and really you will see it.

Please share your email and codes to support@unmixr.com
I will check and upgrade your Tier.

