Q: Can the AI access Google Drive Links
I have a lot of content (documents/photos) on a google drive with extra information that may not be on my web page. Is it possible to share a link to this drive with the AI so that it can use it for learning?

Nov 14, 2024A: Hi Keith,
This is a very good question. VanChat currently does not support learning directly from Google drive. However, we have plans to support this feature in the future, but there is no specific timetable yet. You can now import the files from Google drive first and then upload these documents in vanchat's data source.
Welcome to use vanchat. If you have any questions, please leave me a message.

Verified purchaser
I'd also be very interested in a connection/integration to a live source. Google Drive would be ok but we also would like the ability to connect to Airtable where we keep our SOP's up to date.
How do you purchase VanChat? We can consider supporting this requirement.

Verified purchaser
@lucas_vanchat I purchased a couple of weeks ago!! I bought the highest tier. Let me know if you would still consider this!
I will pass this request on to the product manager at VanChat, and I will provide you with feedback as soon as I have a conclusion.

Verified purchaser
Thank you!