Q: Demo store test (vanchat.myshopify.com) - feedback and questions

I wanted to test VanChat's ability to interpret specific prompts on your Shopify demo store, which has both men's & women's clothing in casual and semi-formal styles. I asked: "Hi, I'm going out to a semi-formal work party and need some help with an outfit. I'm a slim male. Can you recommend an outfit based on products from your store?"

It replied with both men's and women's clothing in the results, completely missing my point about being a 'male'. It also provided a whole lot of 'pant' options so didn't really interpret the idea of wanting an 'outfit'. To test its general conversation flow I replied with "Why did you give examples of women's clothing when I said I'm a male?" It just unprofessionally repeated its first text answer with no apology or 'flow'.

Is this poor configuration to blame? Or is it just not up to my expectations?

14d4ba28f26e4c929b299ca7a7d4d72fPLUSSep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Thank you very much for your feedback. This issue is due to a configuration error in the current demo store, and we will correct it shortly. I recommend that you test on your own website directly. You can conduct the test in the VanChat dashboard without needing to publish the bot to your website. If the test runs smoothly, then you can go ahead and publish the bot.


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Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Thanks for your fast response Lucas. I otherwise love the concept and will do more testing :-)