Q: How to the Appsumo tiers compare with the product tiers?
I am excited by this product as have been looking for a solution that was designed for shopify! I have already purchased the entry tier but considering upgrading but am getting a little confused how the appsumo tiers compare with those on your website: https://vanchat.io/pricing, is there a direct correlation at all? If not how would the top tier on appsumo compare with your Growth plan aside from the obvious difference in number of GPT replies?
On a side note I cannot see anything in the dashboard for configuring human handover, is that because of the tier level I would ideally like to handover to whatsapp chat, but saw no way to do this.
Specifically I am look at handover

Aug 29, 2024A: Hi, I apologize for the delayed response, and thank you very much for your support of VanChat. The tiers on Appsumo do not directly correspond to the tiers on vanchat.io. However, apart from the number of GPT replies, the highest tier on Appsumo is otherwise the same as the Growth plan.
The tier you purchased also supports human handover. VanChat now supports directly switching human handover to WhatsApp. You can find how to configure human service to WhatsApp under the "Contact" module in the "Store & Products" menu. It's very simple, you just need to click a button.
We highly value user feedback, so please feel free to share any questions or concerns with us, as they are very important to us. You can always reach out to me at lucas@vanchat.io, and we will respond promptly. Additionally, you can join our Slack channel https://join.slack.com/t/vanchathq/shared_invite/zt-2pbm35l07-W8j5D2KQLYC19E0tWQWbyQ