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Member since: Aug 2022Deals bought: 21
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 10, 2024

Good Loom Alternative

Let me start by saying, this is one of the AppSumo deals you should definitely invest in.

I'm using Loom quite a lot, and I'm on a Business plan there.

Vento is a bit of a mix of Descript and Loom.

I can see how this could be a real competitor if the team / developer keeps on developing it. 🙏 (and hopefully getting customers besides AppSumo - Cheers Sumolings, but we all know: We are not the customers, that keep this thing in business 😅).

I already enjoy using vento, even though it is still in its early stage. Just jump to the last point you messed up in your video and re-record from there on.

No more "starting from the beginning" over and over again, no more editing and stitching together little shreds of video and so on...

Another cool feature is, you can pause the video, create a transcript, use this to navigate where you messed up and then start recording from there on. Really, really nice! Overall, the User Interface is basic, but as I said, early stage and maybe they'll work on that as well in the future.

But what you get for this price is already a really, really great tool. Well done!

I'm really looking forward to the future of this tool. 🙂 So if you're looking for a great Loom Alternative, invest. And see it as an investment! Support the creators of Vento and give them valuable feedback. Don't expect a perfect tool, with all the features big companies already offer.

My wishlist for the future would be:

- Disable Transcript for the rendered video, but keep it in the editing view
- Moveable controls
- Hide controls in the video itself, but see them while recording
- Choose Transcript / Caption style for the video
- Standalone app for windows and mac
- A better UI (Screen Studio does a really great job there and would be a nice inspiration)
- Add a call-to-action button to the video
- Remove silence
- Get mail notification if someone sees the video for the first time
- Choose Camera Format and Style (round would be nice)
- Keep eye contact (AI feature)
- Create automatic chapter headings (AI feature)
- Teleprompter feature
- Record camera and Screen separately
- Blur out specific parts in a video

If Vento gets these features right, with their approach on re-recording and maybe a bit of solid marketing and better/more beautiful UI, this will definitely be a great tool. (I have to say again, it is already solid!!)

I really wish all the best to the creators and hope they will keep on developing Vento.
