Q: Please provide info about lag, latency, fps and resolution...

f1a228b592d04f22944c83eb577e9718PLUSSep 14, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hello there,
lag and latency are always dependent on the internet connection between you and the recipient. If you are in the same office you will have a near-realtime experience, whereas if your recipient is on the other side of the world you can expect latencies of 0.2s to 0.5s, which is still feasible for real time collaboration.

We are using an adaptive framerate. Since you are mostly sharing application windows whose contents do not change very much it is usually not necessary to stream 60fps constantly, which optimizes bandwidth usage and ultimately latency as well.

We are streaming app windows in the resolution of the actual window. Windows on your screen are encoded in their actual resolution and the resolution will change as you make a window bigger or smaller. Screens are streamed in their native resolution.

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