Visitor Tracking - Unlimited Website Tracking

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Q: A couple of questions:

1) there is a bullet item listed under 3 codes which is not listed under any other number of codes. What’s it and why is it so?

2) For agency feature and to add a client, it seems like a client is added as a user, correct? If so, then number of clients are limited to 9 for 9 codes? What am I missing?


Anil_AgrawalPLUSSep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: 1. This should be for all tiers 3 and above. I will email AppSumo support so it's not only showing for tier 3. It gives breakdowns of conversions by source, page, device, UTM and more. Essentially more data around conversion tracking. We'll be adding some other features for only tier 3 and above as well.

2. Yes, that is correct. Clients are counted as users

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Posted: Sep 16, 2024

@Curran35278, Thanks! So what's the point of unlimited Websites when clients are limited to just 8 clients even at 9x codes?