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Member since: Feb 2024Deals bought: 156
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5 stars
Posted: Jan 22, 2025


I took the highest subscription and I must say it is a real wonder already as it is, but I am sure that in the future updates will make it even more efficient and useful to all needs. I personally use it for my Italian online lessons, and finally I canceled the subscription to Google Meet (before I had Zoom). The fact that you can decide on the output video quality is very useful in case of improvement of the video call, and I must say that you do not notice a deterioration in the image. Also, the fact that you can choose between 4 meeting type options seems like a great thing, without the need to change settings every time. You can connect two webcams, do a survey, share documents and much more. I have not yet tried the function of the webinar, but already the fact that there is a dedicated section seems to me a great thing!

Founder Team


Jan 22, 2025

Thank you for your feedback. We will be releasing more features this year and enhancing the current ones.
