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Posted: Jun 17, 2024

Sometimes there are audio/video connection issues for my invitees

I find Vivomeetings to be a generally good software, but it doesn't satisfy me in certain situations. For instance, yesterday, someone I invited to a video call joined the room, but his video and audio remained inactive for several minutes, with the spinning circles indicating it was still loading (they were using Vivomeetings from a browser). I had no connection issues on my end, but he had. We then tried another meeting software, and my client was able to connect with audio and video right away. We gave up on using Vivomeetings. This is not the first time this has happened to me.

Another thing I don't appreciate is that I'm unable to join a meeting with a second device using the same account. This is useful for me as a backup in case my connection drops on one device. With other software I use, this is possible, and I find it very useful. I hope this can be a suggestion and can be implemented.

Founder Team


Jun 17, 2024

I'm sorry you had technical issues during your meeting. It's not a software or Vivomeetings issue if your video and audio are fine. However, if both the host and participants were experiencing issues, it might be a software problem. Common causes include an unstable internet connection, VPN usage, or unsupported browsers. Our welcome email advises using Chrome or Edge for the best experience with the VP9 codec; other browsers use the VP8 codec for WebRTC. Use Chrome, Edge, or our dedicated desktop and mobile applications for optimal performance.

Additionally, we don't support the host’s multiple logins to avoid account sharing. The Host must log out on one device to log in on another. If your connection is stable, there is no need to sign in twice on different devices from the same location. Signing in twice won't solve the problem since both devices share the same internet connection. If your connection drops and can't handle video, we suggest turning off your camera until the connection stabilizes.

Remember, our support team is always ready to assist you in diagnosing and resolving any issues you may encounter. Don't hesitate to reach out for help.
