Q: Agency Option - Export Website to publish for a client
I help companies get their websites up and going. Would it be possible to create a website with Website.IM then export it to my clients hosting instance then create a new website with Website.im for client number 2 and repeat the process?
A: Hi Mike, there's no such a feature. But if you're building websites for your clients, and want to self-host, please feel free to submit a support ticket with us, we may have another product that would be a perfect fit.
It could not answer a simple question concerning functionality of WEBSITE.IM, asked several times, or respond to a request to redirect to a live person. If your product is of similar quality, congratulations on your business idea. Goodbye.
I have my own domain on my name, and I am a creative director offering a service. My goal of the website is to showcase my work and capture leads. Below are my additional questions
1. How can I capture leads (basic built in forms) 2. Can I use form builders like Typeform, Jotforms 3. Can I showcase portfolios (and keep adding them in future), like each project should open up in a new page with project details, images and videos (embedded would work) 4. Can I add Ai chatbots (third party) 5. How does the SEO performs 6. What about the security and avoiding spam measures.
A: 1. You can use contact form with webhook set, each time the visitor submits your form, his data is sent to webhook. Alternatively, you could use built-in newsletter module and export subscribers to CSV.
2. Sure, if they provide a code you can embed, you can add it via left menu > CONTENT > Apps > Custom HTML Code
3. You could try to use shopping cart module to do it. In shop's settings,...
Q: Agency Option - Export Website to publish for a client
I help companies get their websites up and going. Would it be possible to create a website with Website.IM then export it to my clients hosting instance then create a new website with Website.im for client number 2 and repeat the process?
Mar 9, 2025A: Hi Mike, there's no such a feature. But if you're building websites for your clients, and want to self-host, please feel free to submit a support ticket with us, we may have another product that would be a perfect fit.
Share WEBSITE.IM – Website Builder
Q: Does it have the feature of PWA? Thanks
Share WEBSITE.IM – Website Builder
No, it's just a website builder.
Websites you create are responsive by default and should look good on all devices.
Q: On your webpage you have fully unusefull chat assistant.Do you think it helps to promote the quality of Website.im?
Share WEBSITE.IM – Website Builder
Yes, we installed fully unuseful chat assistant on our webpage to promote the quality of Website.im, it's quite useful by the way.
It could not answer a simple question concerning functionality of WEBSITE.IM, asked several times, or respond to a request to redirect to a live person. If your product is of similar quality, congratulations on your business idea. Goodbye.
Thanks for your feedback, Albert.
We'll look into it.
Q: Website IM: Can I export the pages created or are they hosted?
Mar 7, 2025A: Yes, it's hosted website builder, you don't need to export and upload it to your own hosting account, everything is included.
Share WEBSITE.IM – Website Builder
Q: Can I showcase my portfolio and capture leads?
I have my own domain on my name, and I am a creative director offering a service. My goal of the website is to showcase my work and capture leads. Below are my additional questions
1. How can I capture leads (basic built in forms)
2. Can I use form builders like Typeform, Jotforms
3. Can I showcase portfolios (and keep adding them in future), like each project should open up in a new page with project details, images and videos (embedded would work)
4. Can I add Ai chatbots (third party)
5. How does the SEO performs
6. What about the security and avoiding spam measures.
Mar 3, 2025A: 1. You can use contact form with webhook set, each time the visitor submits your form, his data is sent to webhook. Alternatively, you could use built-in newsletter module and export subscribers to CSV.
2. Sure, if they provide a code you can embed, you can add it via left menu > CONTENT > Apps > Custom HTML Code
3. You could try to use shopping cart module to do it. In shop's settings,...
Share WEBSITE.IM – Website Builder