Q: Clarifying Proctoring and Credits
It seems that we get a certain number of credits. I note that "Whole Screen Recording" costs 2 credits, and "Video Proctoring" costs 2 credits. Are both not the same? If I wanted to test someone with a normal subjective/MCQ test and want to record the whole screen and can refer to the video - will this cost 2 credits or 4 credits?
Thanks for asking!
Video proctoring is not same as Whole screen recording.
Video proctoring is an assessment integrity feature that ensures a test taker when starts a remote online test is the same person throughout the test duration. This helps in preventing impersonation or leaving the test place with an intention to cheat.

Verified purchaser
Ok so video proctoring also records the camera, while screen recording only records the screen?
If I want to both monitor the camera and screen (and record), how many credits does that cost?
Whole Screen recording is a compliance and audit feature. It records the entire test session in a mp4 or related formats and is stored on our server for you to refer them later if need be. Let’s say a candidate claims some gap in your assessment experience. This feature is useful to confirm such claims. It is also useful if you want to confirm the integrity of the candidate manually

Verified purchaser
I understand that - I'm trying to clarify the credit consumption question I asked above. if I want to monitor the camera and screen and record both - it costs 4 credits right?
Yes you are right, that would cost 2+2 = 4 credits.
WSR (Whole Screen Recording) would record both screen, the camera captured video of the candidate.
If the test is video proctored then WSR will have candidates video + candidate activities + entire screen. If its not video proctored then it will only have entire screen and candidate activities during the test.