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Member since: May 2024Deals bought: 63
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Edited Feb 2, 2025

Good idea but poor delivery AND NO SUPPORT!

I signed up to this deal. Product seems ok, but the Appsumo integration really did not work.
When activating the product, I was put on the free tier... Tried to contact WECP support, but never answered after a week.
I gave up trying, even if the product seems fair, ignoring customers is not what one would expect...
Update Feb 26th... Still no answer from WeCP a month after (and no they never answered...). "Glitch" is not fixed. As seen in other comments, the worse support ever.
Getting my money back!

Founder Team


Edited Feb 3, 2025

No excuse but let me clarify what happened.

Few users signed up with WeCP directly from our website. And they again attempted a signup through AppSumo. Its like a double signup which is obviously an invalid workflow. We received 1000s of signups and customer tickers due to our launch within 2-3 days and it was almost impossible to keep track of all tickets at one place. We quickly ramped up our team and replied to everyone including you. In short, our AppSumo integration had a glitch which has been fixed now.

But I totally understand your feelings and appreciate this feedback. This is no more an issue and even you can try it now :)
