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Q: Most of the few people have asked why Ultimate Membership is not part of the deal and thus you do not see much traction.

You could have included in the top tier 3 (and slightly adjusted pricing if you want) but at least we would have the option and incentive to pick all the 4 tools at once and try them out and keep them or refund them since AppSumo has a wonderful policy of 60 day refund no Q asked. Now imagine I have to pay $$ extra just for Ultimate Membership separately to try it out but without the perks offered by AppSumo so I believe someting went wrong in your decision. Either you do not believe in users or you think you can make up for the revenue by charging $$ for UM separately or you think UM is a premium plugin that you do not want to give away at huge discount here. If you are trying to get more users on board, not including UM is a huge deal breaker for me and likely so for others. Please add UM, rethink the tier strategy if possible.

mvishal71Jul 18, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 18, 2024

A: Ultimate Membership isn't included in the deal. We have clearly explained that. Filter plus,Quicker,Discountify are in the bundle.

We don't have plan to include UM in this bundle. Hope it is clear to you.

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Posted: Jul 18, 2024

I don't think it has been explained why UM is not included here while it is on the website. Just reiterating that it is not in the deal is not an explanation but it reflects the adamant nature or inability to show flexibility or to listen to the audience. It may be okay not to include it but without any explanation or with an explanation, it is hard to convince customers.

Posted: Jul 28, 2024

I would have bought for the 4 - 1 on app sumo as well. I will likely wait for a good membership plugin on app sumo and get wp-reset this month.