Q: Catogorizing Financial Statements

I'm currently using an invoicing and project management system that automates tax-related tasks.
At the year's end, it categorizes my losses, profits, and expenses for write-offs and pulls associated bank account information into a spreadsheet. I'm considering switching to a new system, but this feature is crucial. Does your system offer similar automation for tax preparation and financial reporting? If so, I'm highly interested.

d9276462ee22f76b07a62bb5763c779b002d4363PLUSAug 27, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Currently, Worklenz does not have dedicated features for tax automation. However, you can create and categorize tax-related tasks within the system. If you're interested, we'd be happy to schedule a demo to discuss your specific needs in more detail. In the meantime, feel free to sign up for our 14-day free trial to explore the platform and see if it fits your requirements.

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yes. I would like a demo please. This is the only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger at the moment.