WP Scheduled Posts

Product details

Q: Dear Rasel, how are you doing.

I am glad to find your product deal still available. Would you kindly guide me on few things? 1. what about WP Press Scheduler´s plugging security, you know these days is a cyber concern regarding protecting the integrity of word press websites. 2. when adding images or videos, in the Website are they compressed? 3. Can you elaborate on the feature reg. Elementor? is it integrated? how exactly it works? and last how often do you produce updates to the product to maintain functionality and security? Thanks a lot and happy day!!

AdminTeamATLAug 1, 2024
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Posted: Aug 4, 2024

Hi Sumo-ling,

Hope you're doing well.
1) We prioritize plugin security. Our team quickly addresses any vulnerabilities to keep your WordPress site secure.
2) We didn't compress any video or images.
3) For Elementor integration please check these docs: https://d.pr/S5qZ1i and https://d.pr/cQ80OJ

For any query, feel free to reach us here: https://wpdeveloper.com/support/new-ticket.
