Q: Different color palletes for the same author, but in different posts. A selected color pallete in every insert.
Can I manage diferent custom color templates in different author boxes in the same page? In some cases, I want to use color pallets in order to visually differenciate authors. Por example, if one author is male or female or if one is the reviewer or main author, if one is partner and othe one is invited, and so on. Keeping the template design, change easily the color schema of the author box.
A: Hi, I'm sorry, but that is not possible with Simple Author Box. Technically, it is possible to do something like that via custom CSS, but the plugin does not natively support the feature.
Q: Team WebFactory,
I have clients (most) that do not use Gravatar opting for local images via the plugin, Simple Local Avatars.
The multiple author feature and other features are great, but could I use this to import an image or must I rely on Author Box and Simple Local Avatars?
Q: Do you have a demo
Do you have a demo page with the blocks or a few author demo's?
Mar 7, 2025A: Hi,
Yes, you can find some here :)
Share WP Simple Author Box
Q: Different color palletes for the same author, but in different posts. A selected color pallete in every insert.
Can I manage diferent custom color templates in different author boxes in the same page?
In some cases, I want to use color pallets in order to visually differenciate authors. Por example, if one author is male or female or if one is the reviewer or main author, if one is partner and othe one is invited, and so on.
Keeping the template design, change easily the color schema of the author box.
Oct 3, 2024A: Hi,
I'm sorry, but that is not possible with Simple Author Box. Technically, it is possible to do something like that via custom CSS, but the plugin does not natively support the feature.
Share WP Simple Author Box
Q: Is it compatible with DIVI and custom fields (ACPT)
Can I create author templates using custom fields with DIVI's dynamic fields feature?
I create custom fields using advanced custom post types, ACPT.
Oct 3, 2024A: Hi,
No, sorry, that is not possible.
Share WP Simple Author Box
Q: Currently 3 codes stack is more expansive than same offer on your site?
May 15, 2024A: Hi,
Three codes here on AppSumo give you unlimited sites. On our site, you can't purchase an unlimited license, but only a 100-site license.
Share WP Simple Author Box
Q: Team WebFactory, I have clients (most) that do not use Gravatar opting for local images via the plugin, Simple Local Avatars.
The multiple author feature and other features are great, but could I use this to import an image or must I rely on Author Box and Simple Local Avatars?
May 15, 2024A: Hello,
Thank you for taking an interest in Simple Author Box.
That's not a problem; if you don't use Gravatar, you can always update images under the Users settings where you can upload a custom image locally :)
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