WP Video Magic

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Member since: Mar 2020Deals bought: 277
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 18, 2024

Works very well 👍

This plugin fulfills its role perfectly and I thank you for that. It greatly simplifies the integration of videos on WordPress! That's why I give it my five best tacos.
On the other hand, I didn't like at all the obligation to create another account, on another platform, in order to access support, or to stack AppSumo codes Is that a funny way to do it?
Finally, receiving one or two promotional emails every day for other products since activation is really unpleasant.
It's a strange practice, which is not very reassuring for the future, and which I do not approve of at all.
Let's move on, I hope that an integration with pCloud will see the light of day...

Founder Team


Jun 26, 2024

Thank you!

the support has to be done via our support desk as it is our plugin, Appsumo simply provide a platform for us to offer out software through.

the code stacking is currently the only mechanism by which we can offer additoonal site licenses, and yes, it's not ideal.

We do send out emails for our other products, as well as partner offers, it's one of the ways we can keep our prices low.

Matt Garrett
