Xeedle Questions

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 questions


This looks so cool!

Can we get HTML and CSS, or just Javascript, etc.?


ps. If I can get html and css this is an auto-buy, I'd even be an MRR customer!

pandacatPLUSSep 17, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey there,

Currently, we are not using HTML and CSS as a language to extract the XPaths. Our tool primarily focuses on JavaScript, Python, etc.


Q: How about elements not yet in viewport / requiring a click to become visible?

What about fullscreen or partial overalys with tabbed content within the overlay?

Apart from that: What actually will I do with the generated file?
If I code an e.g. react app or whatever kind of app, I got my files and tests.

Then, your website either is using very bad engllish or very bad translators or the combination of both. It really hard to guess what your messaging is but its clear you are prooud of your extension. But what does it actually do and how does it fit into any developer worlkflow (even your blog posts are so generic, they even don’t cover your own solution).

Honestly. Testing is great. Whatever gives me better testing I “auto love”. Please help explaining your solution & how it integrates into any real life dev workflow or CI/CD & Testing Framework.

BTW: Which testing framwork?

nl8PLUSAug 11, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 21, 2024

A: Hey there,
Currently, Xeedle does not fetch any elements that are hidden or not yet in the viewport. This includes elements requiring a click to become visible, as well as those within fullscreen or partial overlays with tabbed content.

Xeedle is designed to simplify the process of generating XPath selectors by automatically creating a page object file based on the tool and technology you...


Q: Hey Gang!

I'm a bit puzzled (not too many pieces, so there's still hope...) regarding the audience segment(s) who would 'undeniably' benefit from all of the features in Xeedle.
That comment seemed to be a fairly broad-brush stroke, so let me fill in some details:
I'm NOT a CODER. But I am 'hot on the hunt' for tools that leverage my inability to code.

With that said, I've purchased many CODE writers or APP Builders here on Appsumo.
I'm 'fair-to-partly-confident' in the selection of tools I've acquired (mechanics toolbox?).

Am I correct in stating (or maybe asking) whether Xeedle is for web scraping? Maybe?
Or maybe not? If not, what capacity (degree) of scraping can it perform to obtain code?

What then, lies within these opportunities, do holders have for possessing such CODE?
I was hoping that between the lines (of CODE,-Heaven's to Betsy), that it has an inkling website (or API) scraping? Or did I hit the proverbial 'bottom of the barrel' (in scraping)?

maskmarqAug 10, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 21, 2024

A: Hey there,
Xeedle is not for web scraping
