XInterview AI

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Member since: Jun 2024Deals bought: 86
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5 stars
Posted: Sep 10, 2024

Has the potential to do massive interview screening

What I liked about the tool is the ease of use /UI.
1) There are templates available for ease of copying the questions.
2) There is AI that will customize the questions.
What they can improve on:
I was hoping that there's an AI that will provide initial screening results based on the interview in the form of a summary per answer—what was missing, etc.—and then finally give a verdict or recommendation based on the answers to ease the screening and rejection process. Like a sentiment AI analysis. I hope the team can put that on their roadmap.

Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

Hello aipc,

Thank you for your detailed review and feedback! We're glad to hear that you find the ease of use and UI to your liking, especially the templates and AI-driven customization of questions.

Your suggestion for an AI-powered initial screening summary and sentiment analysis is excellent, and we're always looking to enhance the platform with features that make the hiring process even more efficient. We’ll definitely pass this on to our product team for consideration in future updates!

If you have any other ideas or feedback, feel free to share them. Thanks again for your support!

Best regards,
The XInterview Team
