Q: How does this work?
Even though I have redeemed the code it still tells me I'm on the free plan and need to pay to get the unlimited or lifetime bundle.

Verified purchaser
I have the same problem

Verified purchaser
I have the same problem. I got this deal a long time ago and can only access the same images as anyone can get in the regular free account.

Verified purchaser
I don't think there's any benefit comparing to a normal free account.... bummer..
"you have access to 2M+ Free Contents.. Premium contents are our other 10M+ images and vectors, and 225K+ HD/4K Videos, which by default are shown with the blue star.
You are free to upgrade your plan to access all these contents."

Verified purchaser
Ahh the benefit is that with a normal free account you an only use 10 items / day, but we have unlimited use!

Verified purchaser
en mi caso he comprado el paquete full de flexclip (son tres códigos), hice un video deliberadamente con marca de agua, y he ido a mi perfil (ahí están los códigos), los he "redimido" (me faltaba uno, los otros dos ya los habia redimido) y me salio un anuncio que decia DISFRUTE DE SU LICENCIA DE POR VIDA DE FLEXCLIP!!! En ese momento, dije ésta gente cumple....

Verified purchaser
I have the same problem. Filled out info but it doesn't let me proceed without paying for a plan. oh well.