Taco ratings
Yay Images Startups offers a vast library of stock images, vectors, and videos, along with an easy-to-use platform and generous free access. While some users have encountered limitations in the free plan, the platform provides copyright protection and thoroughly vets all content. Overall, Yay Images Startups is a valuable resource for those seeking high-quality stock media.
AI-powered summary of customer reviews
Verified purchaser
misleading promotion
it's not free, only some images are free but most images are paid
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Verified purchaser
There is no free download, you are required to upgrade the plan to download
The advertised free download option appears to be unavailable. An upgrade to a paid plan is required to access the download functionality, which contradicts the initial promotional material.
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Verified purchaser
Copytrack Scammers
I got notified by copytrack that their client, YayImages, said I was using an image without permission and I should pay 350 euros. I got it from another stock photo dealer - it’s available at at least 3 I know of, including DepositPhotos - and proving this was very simple, but time consuming. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. They’re hoping you didn’t save anything to prove you have the rights to the image and will just settle to make it go away.
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Verified purchaser
Stay Away. They are scammers
I thought this was a great deal then I started getting copytrack notifications for photos that are available on their site and many others which I have legitimately bought. It's so scammy to go after your own customers. While they like to comment here that there's nothing to worry about if you aren't doing anything wrong, I'm a small business owner with little time and these take time to respond to. I have stopped responding to them at this point... so I guess we'll see if they sue their own customer for using their images. What a joke! Keep away from this shady operator
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Verified purchaser
Yayimages and CopyTrack - Stay Away
Advise you guys to stay away from Yayimages as long as they keep using CopyTrack to track any infringements. A quick google about these 2 companies will show you how many innocent people had been "threatened" with lawsuits. Seems like CopyTrack had been sending out mass emails to these people who had stock photos from other companies and looks like a "scammy" way to get money out of others rather than a legit business.
Dec 17, 2024Thank you for your feedback. We take copyright protection seriously and pursue cases where infringement is likely. If you have a valid license through a third-party platform, you will not be held liable. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your license, and we’ll be happy to help.
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