Yay Images Startups

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Member since: Nov 2023Deals bought: 33
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Edited Dec 15, 2024

Yayimages and CopyTrack - Stay Away

Advise you guys to stay away from Yayimages as long as they keep using CopyTrack to track any infringements. A quick google about these 2 companies will show you how many innocent people had been "threatened" with lawsuits. Seems like CopyTrack had been sending out mass emails to these people who had stock photos from other companies and looks like a "scammy" way to get money out of others rather than a legit business.

Founder Team


Dec 17, 2024

Thank you for your feedback. We take copyright protection seriously and pursue cases where infringement is likely. If you have a valid license through a third-party platform, you will not be held liable. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your license, and we’ll be happy to help.
