ZeroBounce Email Verification

Product details

Q: This is really strange.

Why didn’t you all make it clear from the beginning that the 24,000 credits aren’t renewable each month? This information would allow buyers to decide whether or not to purchase this product based on the 24,000 credits. Seriously, there are other options available that offer renewable credits every month and perform very well.

107295510212032799891Jul 20, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 22, 2024

A: Hi there. Our listing states that it is a one-time purchase of $89 for 24,000 credits (one-time max, never expires, does not renew).

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Posted: Jul 26, 2024

You refer to it as a lifetime deal, which is not actually the case, because once the 24k credits are eaten up it's over, so it's not really a "Lifetime Deal" as you guys call it, unless someone plans on using 240 credits a year throughout the next 100 years.

The description of the product and the terms, isn't really that transparent.

Posted: Aug 21, 2024

so after verifying 24000 emails we will buy again?