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Member since: Dec 2021Deals bought: 206
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3 stars
Edited Dec 15, 2024

Nice Fast Tool - but very CHOPPY Video... :-(

[UPDATE: the Zync Team is actively trying to help, and solve the challenge - though not succeeded so far. Will update once solved! (hopefully)...]

Great tool to quickly make a short video... Overall flow and design all OK. BUT... the recorded video is VERY Choppy and partially out-of-sync, and some transitions cut parts of my sentence off... If only the video quality were really great (I used a HD quality webcam, though for this trial recording without good lighting, and with an ugly background)...

Feels like it records with a framerate of only about 3 frames a second.... (...!!...)...
As it is now, I just can't use it professionally... Hope it will substantially IMPROVE soon. Would hate to go for a Refund...

Here is the sample recording (click on the square brackets to see full-screen):


Founder Team


Dec 16, 2024

You should email and we can see why this is the case. We've helped a few other people fix this issue with a few tweaks.
