I'm seeing a flat "fee" of 1000 credits for EACH keyword cluster created.
That seems steep, and considering I bought tier 4, it's not nearly as many credits as I first thought if they're being used up at 1,000 credits at a time.
Our credit usage is available here - https://help.adalchemy.ai/en/articles/74-how-much-credit-usage-do-the-ai-and-keyword-research-use.
We've tried to be extremely generous with our research credit limits for each tier. At tier 4 you'd be able to run 50,000 keyword clusters for example.
Hello, i need filtered Traffic from ads and need to add working hours, only desktop Traffic (-100% mobile+tablet) and negativ keywords. Is your tool only a basic campaign builder or can i upload this also in every campaign, i need for every campaign the same setup filters?
Best regards Oliver
FYI: Semrush are good datas, but only 30% of competitor ads you find there.
Those settings would need to be applied when you upload the campaign builder file into Google Ads e.g. ad scheduling, device adjustments/exclusions and negatives.
We have some ideas on our product roadmap around addressing some of those using AI but nothing firm to announce at this stage.
Q: Credits
Where does it state the credit usage?
I'm seeing a flat "fee" of 1000 credits for EACH keyword cluster created.
That seems steep, and considering I bought tier 4, it's not nearly as many credits as I first thought if they're being used up at 1,000 credits at a time.
Jan 31, 2025A: Hi,
Our credit usage is available here - https://help.adalchemy.ai/en/articles/74-how-much-credit-usage-do-the-ai-and-keyword-research-use.
We've tried to be extremely generous with our research credit limits for each tier. At tier 4 you'd be able to run 50,000 keyword clusters for example.
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Q: How many workspaces?
How many workspaces can we create for our individual clients?
Jan 29, 2025A: This should map to users so for tier 1 - it's 1, tier 2 - 5, tier 3 - 25, tier 4 - 50 and finally tier 5 is 200.
Note: Each user has access to your shared pool of research credits.
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Q: How many websites
How many sites can I add to do my heat map research?
Jan 29, 2025A: Each heat map result costs 3,000 research credits so even with lowest tier 1 plan you'd be able to analyse 333 pages.
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Q: Traffic filters
i need filtered Traffic from ads and need to add working hours, only desktop Traffic (-100% mobile+tablet) and negativ keywords.
Is your tool only a basic campaign builder or can i upload this also in every campaign, i need for every campaign the same setup filters?
Best regards
FYI: Semrush are good datas, but only 30% of competitor ads you find there.
Jan 29, 2025A: Hi Oliver,
Those settings would need to be applied when you upload the campaign builder file into Google Ads e.g. ad scheduling, device adjustments/exclusions and negatives.
We have some ideas on our product roadmap around addressing some of those using AI but nothing firm to announce at this stage.
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Q: Hebrew Language
can I use Ad Alchemy in Hebrew?
thank you
Jan 28, 2025A: Hey Alechko,
The supported language in terms of the interface is just English.
However, you can build campaigns in any language, including Hebrew.
The AI tools (e.g. keyword clustering) supports English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese only though.
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thank you :)