BizReply Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 88 questions

Q: Is there a way for us to monitor team members activities in detail and their replies....etc???

MakeMyDayPLUSMar 5, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 6, 2025

A: Hi!

There is no specifics for monitoring team member but this is an interesting idea and we should be able to implement it pretty easily, we'll ask a few more of our users if they want it. If some are interested we can build it out!

Hope this helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any other queries! 🚀


Q: Quick Question

Can we do a boolean keyword such as must contain "keyword 1" AND "keyword 2" in the post? Use Case >>> I may only want to see posts that mention the keyword EMAIL MARKETING and it must also mention CRM. ................rather than posts that either mention one OR the other.

MakeMyDayPLUSMar 5, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 5, 2025

A: Hi!

Yes, you can do Boolean searches on BizReply with AND & OR between the keywords!

Hope this helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any other queries! 🚀


Q: A Few More Questions

1) when setting up keywords are we able to use exact match? For example if we want mentions of a exact phrase as opposed to the article or post containing one or more words from the keyword. This feature will help users from wasting mentions and being able to narrow in and laser target keywords or keyword phrases.

2) When connecting our Linkedin your platform pulling in mentions from newletter articles throughout linkedin and/or from regular posts?

3) when using team members...........when they access the paltform, and reply to posts on certain sites, will it be based on their social accounts or on my social accounts ????

4) many of your users like myself may need to only create a specific keyword for a specific social channel rather than all of them. Is this feature available?

MakeMyDayPLUSMar 3, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 5, 2025

A: Hi!

1. Yes, currently all our mentions are exact-match searches only.

2. Users do not have to connect their linkedin accounts to Bizreply, we fundamentally bring linkedin posts but optimizing more data scraping.

3. As mentioned users do not need to connect their social media accounts, so it won't be a problem.

4. Yes definitely, you can choose which social medias you want to scrape from...


Q: Just A Few Questions

1) can you please clarify the "One Time Mentions" limitation. Doesn't really seem like a LTD when mentions will eventually run out, especially when mentions are one of the key features of this LTD

2) How do you compare to Awario which was a previous LTD on appsumo. Your subscription pricing levels appear to be similar however with less favorable features and limits within each tier

3) How are you guys able to monitor Linkedin. I was under the assumption that Linkedin did not have an api that they shared for monitoring although I could be wrong.

MakeMyDayPLUSMar 3, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 5, 2025

A: Hi!

1. In terms of mentions, for example our Tier 3 has 450,000 mention credits included, which would normally give an average of 5-6 years of usage (given that we give users 10,000 mentions per month). We wanted to price it fair and sustainable for all so that we can keep the tool running well. Additional mentions can also be bought at a reasonable price which are exclusive for LTD...


Q: Client report builder (2,500 p)

Dans le plan 3, vous proposez encore cette option. Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, donner plus de précisions sur ce dont il s'agit exactement ?
Merci et bon courage pour vos travaux.

kamal57PLUSMar 3, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 3, 2025

A: Hola!

Por "Generador de informes de clientes (2500 páginas)" queremos decir que ofrecemos 2500 páginas de generación de PDF para la función de generador de informes de clientes en el nivel 3.

Con el generador de informes de clientes, puede crear informes personalizables para sus clientes o su equipo.

Gracias! No dude en informarnos si tiene alguna otra consulta! 🚀
