BrandBay Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 205 questions

Q: Seats and docs

Hello, I hope you are all well. I have seen your product and I find it interesting, but I have a few points that make me hesitate to buy the license.
1. If I upload docx files, i.e. Word files, can I edit them live like Google Drive allows me to?
2. Usually when I create a client folder in Google Drive the client wants access to see their new designs that we created for them etc. What I don't understand is why, for example, if a plan includes 100 brands, I only have 50 users available? This means that if my 100 clients want access to their brand, I run out of seats for my team. In Google Drive I can invite as many people as I want to the folders, this really shouldn't be limited, maybe you could limit the team members, but not the clients who are actually like "guests".

seoxMar 8, 2025
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Q: Whitelabel & Swedish

Hello! IS it possible to whitelabel this and translate it to swedish?

best regards

SEOfrallanPLUSMar 7, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 7, 2025

A: Hello! You are able to white label BrandBay on your own domain and send white label email invitations as well, however at the moment we do not have the app natively translated into Swedish.

Our team is looking into how to do multiple language translations in a simple way (that could include Swedish) but for now, translation of BrandBay would rely upon your browsers built-in translation...


Q: Password list

I also have a question. I am a web designer. This tool seems very useful to me. But I wonder if there is also a password protected area for the participants / users, where you can set e-mail data with password, imap configurations and more. I know you can be asked for a password at the beginning. But how is it in the area where other sensitive data is requested? Is it possible to request a 2-step authentication?

Cagno0diPLUSMar 7, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 7, 2025

A: Hello, thank you for your question! Hopefully I can answer what you're asking accurately.

If I am understanding correctly, you are concerned about other users having access to sensitive data like people's email addresses? If so, then I can mention that when you invite a user, unless you allow the permission for them to "add users" (screenshot here: then they would not...


Q: Are we able to let someone view our brand kit WITHOUT editing permissions & if so, are they counted as a "user?"

ImRebeccaMar 6, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 6, 2025

A: Yes, you can set anyone in your account as a "Viewer" and they would not be able to edit any of your files/collections, etc. and they would be counted as a user.

A user is simply anyone who you invite by email into your account.

However, you could use share links to any of your brands/collections/assets to anyone without them having to log in. It really just depends on the use case you are...


Q: Filenames are renamed?

ive tried bulk downloading images after uploading them. Unfortunately the files are renamed after download. Is this expected behaviour?

PhilippsumoPLUSMar 5, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 5, 2025

A: Hello @Philippsumo! To get a better response for any support related questions please reach out to us directly at I believe what you are mentioning is a current bug where a random string is added to the filenames (this is actually to make certain that there are no errors with two files with the same filename getting mixed up with one another). However, this should not...
