Easy Text Marketing Agency Platform Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 412 questions

Q: Can this send SMS using my phone? How would it work exactly?

bogdan86Sep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: No it cannot. Using Mobile phones for mass texting is a violation of the fair use act by almost every major carrier so we don't support that type of sending. It can lead to HUGE fines (Up to $1500 per text message sent) so that's not something we would recommend ANYONE do.
The way we work instead is we give you step by step instructions for setting up your account with Twilio or Telnyx and...


Q: App links in SMS not recognised by Android

Hi Mat,
I recently asked a question on App Sumo about using the App for academic research. Thanks again for your guidance. While I agree that the usage I had in mind isn’t feasible, I’ve purchased the app and am using it differently. I've set up scheduled posts to send 4 times a day to my target group, and it’s working brilliantly.

The issue I’m facing is with SMS messages containing an App Link URL. It works fine on iOS but isn’t recognized by Android. I suspect typing the link as text may cause this. Rockstar SMS doesn’t recognize the URL as “properly formed.” Any suggestions to resolve this?


60d61694c042431ca5d861c823fcc19fSep 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Thanks for the question. Please open a ticket at https://support.Easytextmarketing.app so we can help figure out what you mean. AppSumo guidelines don’t want the Q&A used for support.


Q: Platform spanish

Hello, I'm from Colombia and I'm interested in using your platform. Is there a Spanish language version available? I'm looking for a platform that is easy to navigate and understand in Spanish.

fa6528731e1d4faabbdc432374b402dfSep 16, 2024
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Q: Do you have a mobile app?

One of the biggest issues with Twillio is that there isn't a mobile app that pings my phone when someone replies to my broadcast.
Does this come with a mobile app for that?

Also, can I collect emails and pass them to my email provider? Will I need Make or Zapier for that, or can I integrate directly with Vbout's API?

CupcakeSep 12, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

A: Thanks so much for the question Cupcake! That's definitely annoying that Twilio doesn't have a way to do that. We don't have a mobile app but you can use web hooks to get notified anytime a text message comes in and then you can log into our web platform from your mobile phone and reply.
You can also use web hooks to pass data that you collect FROM our platform TO your other platforms with...


Q: DNC Lists Scrubbing

Does your platform provide any Federal/State-level Do-Not-Call scrubbing?

Would your platform be suitable for "cold" SMS, where there hasn't been a direct opt-in?

bradedwardsPLUSSep 9, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 9, 2024

A: Great question @bradedwards. We do not offer scrubbing so if you're importing a list you'll want to scrub it yourself. Our platform works for whatever use case you choose to use it for. That said we always recommend you check your state and local laws for texting as it's up to you to follow those rules. I hope that helps :)
