fluXtore Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 91 questions

Q: This doesn't work without Woocommerce?

I thought it's a stand alone replacement for plugin like https://www.upsellplugin.com and clickfunels that don't require additional plugins to work

CupcakeSep 15, 2024
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Sep 16, 2024

A: Hi sorry, it only works with WooCommerce. R&T.


Q: What is about styling the [woocommerce_checkout]

Hi - I use PRO for some days and I build the pages I need.
At this time I use elementor and what should I say... the styling from the checkout isnt very nice.
Buttons are invisible, The Radio-Button has no other color if checked etc..

So at this time I try to write my own CSS - but this is not the way I prefere...

Do you plan an update to easily stly the checkout?

carolin.zimprichSep 6, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hi Carolin, thanks for your suggestions, we will take them into consideration for the future. R&T.


Q: Thrive Architekt -> Page-Builder

Do you have Thrive on the Roadmap for next Page-Builder?
That would be great.

Hey I'm happy with Fluxtore for other Projects.

carolin.zimprichSep 4, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hi Caroline, we currently support Elementor, Bricks theme, Gutenberg, Divi. Thanks for the suggestion, we will take it into consideration for the future. R&T.



It would be highly beneficial to have the option to add multiple domain addresses for specific funnels via CNAME. This flexibility would prevent being restricted to a single domain address for pro users. for instance the domain I have Fluxtore on is example.com but I want to run a funnel about a watch. I could buy the domain watchgreat.com and add it to the Fluxtore so now I have that funnel to that domain name.

zagarnerAug 25, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 28, 2024

A: Hi, thank you very much for writing to us. Your suggestion is interesting, we will take it into consideration for the future. Have a nice day. R&T.


Q: Subscriptions-Plans

It is possible to sell products as a subscription?
I use a plugin inside wooCommerce - for reccurring fees (monthly etc..) does the FunnelBuilder recognise this infos and send this to paypal etc..?

carolin.zimprichAug 24, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 25, 2024

A: fluxtore uses WooCommerce and related woocommerce addons to handle payments via Paypal and Stripe. Subscription payment systems are handled by WooCommerce and not by fluxtore. If all WooCommerce parameters are set correctly, at checkout you will see the option for subscriptions. Subscriptions in some cases require additional enablements and additional settings for payment methods in the case of...
