Hellooo Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 29 questions

Q: Question about usage

Like the concept of this software. However, I wouldn't be using it for interviews. Would it work just as well with reviewing sales calls over Zoom or Google Meet?

I also have other software I plug-in for online meetings would Hellooo get in the way of that or can it function on it's own?

109095776575406567313Sep 20, 2024
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Q: Call summaries I can send in email as soon as the call is over?

I am looking for a tool that will record my sales calls (Zoom) and then generate a cll summary that I can send via email after the call. Currently https://www.sybill.ai/ does what I want, but it's super pricey. Is Hellooo a viable alternative for me for this feature? Are there any other Sybill features that hellooo also replicates?

Any chance of adding one more Tier up with even more transcipts?

Thanks for coming to AppSumo!

pandacatPLUSSep 6, 2024
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Q: Subtitles

Hey there, so what I am in need of is a program that would take my YouTube video, then spit out a ready to use with YouTube Srt file for subtitles in the original language and perhaps translated into others. Can this program do it?

ZedSep 2, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Hey It's not possible to export the transcript in srt file.

Wish you the best


Q: Edit transcripts

Hi - is it possible to edit transcripts in the interface? Or do you have to download it and then put it into another editing program?

ab93894e9c7a4738927acc4c540923bbAug 30, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Hey, It's not possible to edit the transcripts yet, you indeed need to edit them elsewhere for now.

Eventually you can edit the transcripts from a clip.


Q: Workspaces


1. Will we be able to buy a higher tier?
2. For Several Workspaces á Agency Style White label?

I bought Tier 3, great product =)

Best Regards

SEOfrallanPLUSAug 26, 2024
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