Hirevire Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 184 questions

Q: Is there a Demo Page?

I read i the comments we have the Option to take a look at a Demo Page. I don't find IT can you give US the URL to this?

mirko9PLUSSep 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Hi there,

The demo application is available here


This link is available on the home page banner as well for future reference.



Q: Why are stacked codes limited to only 1 User?

I have stacked multiple codes on here - like 5 because I thought that I could add 2 or 3 more people from my team but no - it only allows for one user and additional users need to pay. When we click on the billing page for an additional user, it takes us to another page with confusing packages. The frustrating thing is there is NO option to pay to add an additional user to the account per month. WHY is there this limitation even though we are purchasing multiple codes? Is this a limitation that will be removed later on?

dalawPLUSSep 14, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Our current appsumo plan system is designed so that multiple codes extend other features for a single user, rather than adding multiple users.

Only plans on our website either LTD or monthly billing allow for additional users to be added.

You've made a great suggestion about having a monthly option to add users. We don't currently offer this, but we appreciate the feedback and will consider...


Q: Can i setup my SMTP for email notifications ?

Can i setup my SMTP for email notifications ?

704dbd4cf8514092aa30ba43ad6d1f4fPLUSSep 13, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Yes.

Here's some more details about that feature


Q: What the difference in the plan you are selling on your website and 10 codes here?

What is the difference between the plan you sell on your website and the ten codes here? What are the users mentioned on your website? How many subdomains can I create with an unlimited plan from here or on your website?

104387005602968393559PLUSSep 13, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Hi there,
The plans on our website allow for additional users to be added to your Hirevire account.
These users can login with their own credentials to the website and manage all or some of the jobs that they have access to.

All the plans allow for only one subdomain to be added. Additional subdomains can be added by purchasing additional organisations.

Detailed explanations of features...


Q: How many user we get with 10 code

You dont mention about user

Joyner007PLUSSep 7, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 8, 2024

A: Users are only available from plans purchased on our website directly.

More details about all features available from our lifetime deal plans is here
