Leadfwd Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 73 questions

Q: Question

Hey, just bought the product and I'm trying to contact leads using only Linkedin, but I did not find that option. Does it exist? Also I tried to export leads from LN without using email credits and also did not find that option.

vasislavSep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there, ahh yes I see your ticket. I'll answer in both spots, so you don't miss it. You can export only LinkedIn data by selecting the option to skip the Email Finder. It's the first pick list after you reveal the export drawer once you make a selection of a profile using a checkbox.

Leadfwd requires an email address to import a contact. A work around that you can consider is just using a...


Q: Inbox Management

From the description and answers I understand that you don’t have a unibox, correct? How are your users usually handling inbox management in that case? (I really like what lemlist has done with the unibox including emails, LinkedIn and tasks all in one to work through it).

0c5458688b8a4c458a115b2d213e0306PLUSEdited Sep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there! We offer a unified inbox, but for email-only at this point. Tasks are executed and managed through our Chrome Extension - including the option for LinkedIn outreach that's driven by a Sequence.
More info here too: https://help.leadfwd.com/hc/en-us/articles/4401989445651--Unified-Inbox


Q: Workflows and sales triggers

First of all, i really like your welcome message not replacing sdr but rather intelligently combine manual and automated flows/tasks.

I’m familiar with sequences from dripify, Heyreach, Smartlead and the like. But can you elaborate on your sales triggers and workflows? Didn’t find many information on the homepage for that. Is it similar to trigify and can I setup custom watch lists and triggers within the tool? Or is it just to use sales nav filters (eg people who recently changed jobs)?

0c5458688b8a4c458a115b2d213e0306PLUSEdited Sep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there! Appreciate that :)

Trigify is a different animal as they operate a listener, as you mentioned. Our approach is empowering the sales pro or org to leverage LinkedIn to take advantage of triggers and signals, some of which are available with Sales Nav filters.

I'd say where we differ is the outreach automation with personalization that can be achieved after the prospecting step....


Q: What exactly would "Workspaces" be and "Agency Edition"?

Hello everything is fine?

I would like to ask something...

What exactly would "Workspaces" be and
"Agency Edition"?

Another question is: Can I manage/allocate my employee's profile? I set up the campaign and just link his account with you. Would it be possible?

112326373983480995617Sep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there!

Workspaces are basically entirely unique and separate sub-accounts that you can create for any purpose. For an agency the workspaces could be client accounts that you service or they manage. Workspaces can also be separate teams, business units, brands, etc. Here's some more info that might be helpful too: https://help.leadfwd.com/hc/en-us/articles/33214068706067-Workspaces



Q: No. of contacts explanation

Hello, can you pls explain in more detail how the contact limit works? What does it mean to "manage" 1000 contacts for example?

a72dee339f574ec7b4ce06b4a6b8afffPLUSSep 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Of course. A contact is a record that's imported into Leadfwd that can be engaged and enrolled in Sequences, Automation Workflows, etc.
