MarkupGo Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 37 questions

Q: Checking on the use case

Hi, this looks fantastic. Quick questions as I'm not very tech savvy:

1) Is this meant to create a graphic design and we can use it multiple times by generating whatever text we want that we have preset?

2) I'm thinking I could get an AI bot to understand the magic link and generate the image with text that I need - is this possible to think?

skinspecPLUSSep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hi skinspec 🙌

1. Absolutely! You just need to create an initial template with HTML and CSS. Then, you can use this template to generate multiple images with different texts by passing the text as a parameter to the API.
2. Yes, as long as the AI bot creates a magic link and passes the correct parameters, it is possible. ☺️


Q: Can I delete pictures I have created?

Hey, so far I haven't seen an option to delete files I have created. If I don't want the files to be available indefinitely, what options do I have to delete them?

Ben_H.PLUSSep 18, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hi Ben_H,

At the moment, we don’t have a feature to delete files directly within the platform. However, we’re working on adding this feature soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to delete any pictures you’ve created, please email us with the details of the files you'd like to remove, and we’ll take care of it for you. ❤️


Q: and CANVA

Hello do you plan to add some video tutorials for no coders, like how we can use MAKE httt request module to use your tool?

and when do you plan to add the canva integration and it will work for no coders on make?

nicolas209PLUSSep 18, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hi nicolas209,

We already have a video tutorial on how to use the HTTP request module in Make, which you can find here:

As for the Canva integration, we’re working on a visual editor that will allow you to create templates without writing any code. Developing such a tool takes time, so for now, the best way to work with a...


Q: Don't know HTML or CSS

I don't know HTML or CSS. Why not to use ChatGPT to generate the code to be used

zeroleftPLUSSep 14, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Hi zeroleft 🙌,

You can definitely use ChatGPT to generate HTML and CSS code snippets as templates for MarkupGo. However, general GPT models are not specifically trained for code generation, so the results may not always be as accurate or reliable as you’d expect. That’s why we didn’t include it as a feature in MarkupGo.

Instead, we’re working on integrations with Canva, Figma, and other...


Q: What are your plans for image generation by form?

OSUMOSep 13, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 13, 2024


We love this idea! Thanks for sharing it with us. We will discuss it with our team and see if we can add it to our roadmap. Stay tuned for updates!
