Will Tier 1/Plan 1 users have access to the upgraded PDF size limit of 30 MB available in the subscription-based Pro plan? As Tier 1 users were supposed to the benefits the plan. .
A: The content in the plan in Appsumo should be 10MB. You could check the detail in appsumo. But we have upgraded the limit to 30MB for Tier 1, 50MB for Tier 2&3.
I am currently using MyMind. They have a feature for me to export all of my data for my saved links, content, etc. Is there a way to import this into MyMemo?
A: Yes, we are here. Some of our team members are on annual leave traveling the world, and the wildfires in California have disrupted some of our staff's work schedules. Additionally, we spend the first two months of each year in intensive sessions to discuss user feedback, requirements, and plans for the new year. We are now organized and back to normal operations. - MyMemo AI Team.
I was about to buy tier 3 since the solution looks very interesting. Thanks for your hint, I'll probably hold off for now until some activity takes place here and it can be ensured that the project hasn't been abandoned yet.
Q: PDF size 30mb
Will Tier 1/Plan 1 users have access to the upgraded PDF size limit of 30 MB available in the subscription-based Pro plan? As Tier 1 users were supposed to the benefits the plan.
Mar 9, 2025A: The content in the plan in Appsumo should be 10MB. You could check the detail in appsumo. But we have upgraded the limit to 30MB for Tier 1, 50MB for Tier 2&3.
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Q: Import data from MyMind export
I am currently using MyMind. They have a feature for me to export all of my data for my saved links, content, etc. Is there a way to import this into MyMemo?
Mar 9, 2025A: We will do that. Could u give me your email, please? Or you could send an email to support@mymemo.ai
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Verified purchaser
No reply? Does that mean you don't have any way of importing links or other content?
Q: Many questions unanswered here
And in the discord server as well. What happened? Are you still active?
Feb 18, 2025A: Yes, we are here. Some of our team members are on annual leave traveling the world, and the wildfires in California have disrupted some of our staff's work schedules. Additionally, we spend the first two months of each year in intensive sessions to discuss user feedback, requirements, and plans for the new year. We are now organized and back to normal operations. - MyMemo AI Team.
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Verified purchaser
I was about to buy tier 3 since the solution looks very interesting. Thanks for your hint, I'll probably hold off for now until some activity takes place here and it can be ensured that the project hasn't been abandoned yet.
Verified purchaser
Hi Richards,
thanks a ton for the detailed answer! Happy to see you back here.
Q: Does the service support the Ukrainian language?
If not, is there a plan to support the Ukrainian language?
Feb 18, 2025A: Will support it soon!
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Q: Is InkWise included in the deal?
Is InkWise included in the Appsumo deal?
Feb 18, 2025A: No, but MyMemo users can get six months of free access to Inkwise.
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