NativeRest Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 43 questions

Q: Support request not being answered

Hey guys, I've been waiting for my service request to be answered for days!
I am unable to use NativeRest on my Mac, I get the error :

"Error -1022 accessing to http://xxx:8000/transcript?url= The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection."

It seems NativeRest is not able to handle HTTP traffic (only HTTPS). I don't have this issue with Postman. Can you please assist.

jlettePLUSSep 5, 2024
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Sep 5, 2024

A: Hi! Sorry for the long wait. I'm currently looking for a solution to your problem with HTTP and will be back here in a few hours.


Q: 1) On Plan-2, can I transfer my licenses from some old devices to new?

For example if I have three Macs and I want to change one them to a new one.
2) Is it possible to activate a license for NativeRest in air gape environment without possibility to use a proxy server?

roma.ovcPLUSAug 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 20, 2024

A: Hello!
1) Yes, no problem. You can even use one license on different platforms.
2) Internet is required for activation, but then you can use it without a network.


Q: Hello!

Looks nice :)

Will this work well with graphql?

I like that you're aiming to be fast/efficient and not bloated. But are there any notable features that Insomnia and Postman have, that you are likely going to consider out of scope and won't aim to eventually include at some point in the future?

Or is the goal to reach feature parity with those services, but with better performance and less bloat?

Misty60110Jul 19, 2024
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Jul 19, 2024

A: Hi Misty60110, GraphQL support is in the plans. I think it will appear in October, but not in the next version. πŸš€
Of course, I don’t add all the features from Postman, because this will deprive NativeRest of its simplicity and speed. For example, executable JavaScript will never appear in NativeRest. But improving the usability of work, supporting new formats, smart work with JSON, expanding...


Q: What are the future goals with NativeRest?

Any further upcoming updates, compatibility fixes, etc.? Thanks!

martineliasczPLUSJul 18, 2024
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Jul 19, 2024

A: Hi martineliascz, thanks for the question. πŸ€— There really are a lot of plans. Firstly, this is support for the OpenAPI format when importing; improve autocompletion in the code; add a new authorization options; add the ability to group requests into folders. In a global perspective, NativeRest may support GraphQL and gRPC πŸš€. Be sure to write if you are missing something in NativeRest.


Q: Where can I find NativeRest Roadmap?

martineliasczPLUSJul 17, 2024
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Jul 17, 2024

A: Hi martineliascz, currently, NativeRest does not have a public roadmap. If you have any suggestions to improve NativeRest, you can leave them right here.
