"Up to 5,000 replies per month (total)" -I think I know the answer, but what is considered a Reply? Is "Hello" count as one reply, then "How can I help you?" a 2nd reply? Or is it more or less 5000 full user conversations
Fist 200 replies with GPT-4 Turbo -Is this the first 200 **per month?**
Thinking about grabbing this. But I was chatting with your website demo bot and it mentioned "it will always disclose the fact it's an AI bot" to people, even on my chatbot after I buy it and setup my version.
I do not want mine to mention that at all, regardless if it's asked directly or not by a user. I'm not trying to trick people or do anything weird, just not interested in standing up in front of the room and saying "Hey everyone!! We use AI instead of hiring real people here!"
Can it be trained to never mention that its actually a bot, or trained to change the subject and dodge those types of questions, or just flat-out reply that it's the intern on the team?
A: Hi, the assistant on our website, as well as the first assistant that is created after entering URL doesn't have any specific instructions regarding this matter. I can't suggest anything specific on how to achieve your goal, although we allow our clients to fully customize the AI instructions where you can write down anything in your mind. At the same time, the OpenAI's safety measures and...
Q: do you have a Youtube channel?
Mar 7, 2025A: We do not have a dedicated youtube channel, but that's a great idea for the future!
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Q: Why dont you do unlimited replies with BYOK?
Are there any way you can do unlimited replies with your own API key?
Mar 5, 2025A: Yes, you can reach out to support@noform.ai with your API key
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Q: Reply Limitation Clarification
"Up to 5,000 replies per month (total)"
-I think I know the answer, but what is considered a Reply? Is "Hello" count as one reply, then "How can I help you?" a 2nd reply? Or is it more or less 5000 full user conversations
Fist 200 replies with GPT-4 Turbo
-Is this the first 200 **per month?**
Thanks for the help
Mar 3, 2025A: Hi! Yes, that is first 200 every month, so it resets every month. As for the replies, then it is a separate message from an AI assistant.
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Q: Disclosure
Thinking about grabbing this. But I was chatting with your website demo bot and it mentioned "it will always disclose the fact it's an AI bot" to people, even on my chatbot after I buy it and setup my version.
I do not want mine to mention that at all, regardless if it's asked directly or not by a user. I'm not trying to trick people or do anything weird, just not interested in standing up in front of the room and saying "Hey everyone!! We use AI instead of hiring real people here!"
Can it be trained to never mention that its actually a bot, or trained to change the subject and dodge those types of questions, or just flat-out reply that it's the intern on the team?
Thanks for the help
Mar 3, 2025A: Hi, the assistant on our website, as well as the first assistant that is created after entering URL doesn't have any specific instructions regarding this matter. I can't suggest anything specific on how to achieve your goal, although we allow our clients to fully customize the AI instructions where you can write down anything in your mind. At the same time, the OpenAI's safety measures and...
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Q: Is it possible to delete leads / conversations?
After many experiments, I have created a chatbot, but now I would like to delete all leads and conversations from the pilot. Is that possible?
Mar 4, 2025A: Hi there! We haven't got the that yet. This is something planned to be added in the future. Thanks!
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