Q: Does this work with dynamic pages? How to make it live on pages that don't exist yet...
Our use case includes a Buddypress community, where users' profile pages are generated when they sign up. We need smart tips to appear on the features of the page to help them know what something is. (Linking the tooltip/smart tip with CSS classes would probably make sense for the smart tips, so it hopefully shows on all user pages dynamically - would is this logic sound? would it work like this?) Essentially all profiles are the same in the page structure, but the page URLs will differ by user.
We also wanted to have a profile page tour for all users on a profile page to help them discover their features. Would this work in the same way by making any child page of the members page e.g. /members/{username} have the product tour on it?
Yes we support dynamic pages. You can use e.g. dynamic URL filters: https://produktly.com/docs/docs/targeting_rules/supported-targeting-rules#dynamic-urls or alternatively also template values in URL that are based on e.g. some user property https://produktly.com/docs/docs/shared/template-values
With either of those, you can target the widgets to pages that have dynamic URLs that you...
Hi There, can this be use on a website or saas product you don't own directly but have whitelabled as I see you need to install a code snippet? Will this work via the chrome extension?
Q: Can I use them in separate softwares?
Let's say I have
Software 1
Software 2
Software 3
Or all of the codes only work for 1 software at a time?
Feb 26, 2025A: Hi,
You can use it on as many websites/domains/apps as you want, that's not limited by the codes
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Q: Can I use it for Go High Level?
Can I insert it in my white label agency that runs on the Go High Level, software?
So customers can see the tours inside the platform?
Feb 26, 2025A: Hi,
Yes we have multiple customers using Produktly in Go High Level
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Q: Can I insert/embed this tool into Go High Level? I'm confused.
Feb 26, 2025A: Hi,
Yes we have multiple customers using Produktly in Go High Level
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Q: Does this work with dynamic pages? How to make it live on pages that don't exist yet...
Our use case includes a Buddypress community, where users' profile pages are generated when they sign up. We need smart tips to appear on the features of the page to help them know what something is. (Linking the tooltip/smart tip with CSS classes would probably make sense for the smart tips, so it hopefully shows on all user pages dynamically - would is this logic sound? would it work like this?) Essentially all profiles are the same in the page structure, but the page URLs will differ by user.
We also wanted to have a profile page tour for all users on a profile page to help them discover their features. Would this work in the same way by making any child page of the members page e.g. /members/{username} have the product tour on it?
Thanks in advance
Feb 18, 2025A: Hi,
Yes we support dynamic pages. You can use e.g. dynamic URL filters: https://produktly.com/docs/docs/targeting_rules/supported-targeting-rules#dynamic-urls or alternatively also template values in URL that are based on e.g. some user property https://produktly.com/docs/docs/shared/template-values
With either of those, you can target the widgets to pages that have dynamic URLs that you...
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perfect thanks.
Q: White lable saas
Hi There, can this be use on a website or saas product you don't own directly but have whitelabled as I see you need to install a code snippet? Will this work via the chrome extension?
Jan 27, 2025A: Hi,
Currently you do need to install the script to the site for Produktly to work.
We are considering adding standalone support through the Chrome extension, but that hasn't been implemented yet
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Thanks Olli