Q: It seems that "unsubscribe" would be a necessary feature for legal reasons yet it does not seem to be a part of this app.
Why is that? I see it up for voting but that wouldn't answer my question. Thank you.
May 14, 2024A: Hi there,
great feedback.
We are not a tool for massive and unsolicited email campaigns so feel we are good with that.
Also it's up to our users to email people that are ok with their emails and could simply uncheck the box on Google Sheets and stop emailing them.
Nonetheless it's a feature on the roadmap that we really would love to do asap and we thank you for that
The Salesforza.com Team
Thanks for your reply. I'm not interested or planning any massive email campaigns -- but as a small business owner with maybe a couple of hundred prospective customers I'd like to reach out to by email to introduce my business, without having an unsubscribe option, I believe I'd be out of legal compliance in the U.S. Therefore, I have requested a refund of my purchase but I do wish you continued success. Kind regards.