TopicMojo Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 240 questions


PLEASE, How much costs each addons? it's also a lifetime purchase or ...?

TheGarPLUSSep 20, 2024
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Q: Is this like Hoosuite?

We type in keywords find what people are searching for connect our social profiles and respond to them? It also does social listening or is that separate?

Jake.TibiskiPLUSSep 20, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hey Sumoling,

Search Listener doesn't work like that. Search Listener listens to new search queries on Google around your keyword and tells you these new queries have been searched on Google that were never searched before. This gives you an advantage over your competition to target those queries.

I hope it answers your question. :)


Q: Will this also suffer the same fate as Brand Overflow?

How to trust this tool when the previous experience was awful?

adi_dasSep 7, 2024
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Q: Do you have Facebook in Social tool?

Hello topicmojo,
Do you have Facebook in Social model?

6123cfb3fe3644c9b8df0fc53411dd41Sep 7, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hey Sumoling,

Unfortunately no. We don't fetch content from Facebook.


Q: Pre-buy question

Hello topicmojo,
1/ Can I signup to Free plan and can buy add-on ?
2/ I see price for Search Listener for 5 alerts, if I pay double, Can I get 10 alerts?
3/ Do you have any discount when buy many add-on as: bundle Search Listener and Seo data? Or buy many code of Search Listener have any discount ?
Thank you

6123cfb3fe3644c9b8df0fc53411dd41Sep 6, 2024
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