Q: What is the difference between nocodebackend vs Twidget?
Twidget have powerful features than NCBE, Still the team is small Limits are less 140$ - unlimited limits with 25 workspace vs 5 - that’s the reason? How the growth rate? Who is better for long-term? Who will adopt the new technology faster and reliable?
A: NoCodeBackend primarily offers data storage in a database, whereas Twidget provides a comprehensive backend solution with data manipulation, integration with external APIs for sending and retrieving data, event scheduling, and more.
We encourage you to try both and see which best suits your needs.
Q: Front end feature has been released?
Mar 6, 2025A: Not yet, we are hoping to release end of Q1.
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Q: How many databases under one workspace?
One workspace can hold 5 databases and each database can hold multiple tables ?
Is this the calculation?
How many databases can a workspace hold?
Am comparing with nocodebackend
Mar 4, 2025A: Each workspace has its own database, their isn't a limit on the amount of tables per database.
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Q: What is the difference between nocodebackend vs Twidget?
Twidget have powerful features than NCBE,
Still the team is small
Limits are less 140$ - unlimited limits with 25 workspace vs 5 - that’s the reason?
How the growth rate?
Who is better for long-term?
Who will adopt the new technology faster and reliable?
Can you answer these
Mar 4, 2025A: NoCodeBackend primarily offers data storage in a database, whereas Twidget provides a comprehensive backend solution with data manipulation, integration with external APIs for sending and retrieving data, event scheduling, and more.
We encourage you to try both and see which best suits your needs.
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Q: I can connect to other databases, such as MySQL, Supabase, right?
Mar 2, 2025A: Currently you can only connect with database that can integrate via API requests.
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Q: Stack up to 3 codes?
The AppSumo details reads, “ Stack up to 3 codes”. Usually it reads something like, pick the plan that suits you.
So, can we stack 3 together? (I have plan 3, but wondering if I can stack up to 3 plan 3s.) ?
Feb 12, 2025A: You can stack up to a maximum of 3 codes.
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Verified purchaser
Which means 1 business plan.
Yes correct.