WP Go Maps Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 83 questions

Q: Does it accpet custom fields values?

Let's say I have ton of posts with geolocation already added inside a custom field, something like {lat} and {lon}. Can we use that instead of man ually typing loctions inside the plugin?

TestamentumSep 15, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hi there,

If you are using a CSV file to import your posts into your map, yes this is possible as we have a "Remap Columns" import option that would allow you to map your custom field columns that contain your coordinates to the "lat" and "lng" marker fields respectively.

Alternatively if you are using a different file type, we could possibly assist in adjusting your import file to include...


Q: Does address field take google map link and convert them into map marker or do we need to give addres in text form?

1. Will the map / location field take google map link as input? If it does, i am truly mesmerized by this app. Can this also take address in text format? I believe google map link would be straight forward mapping as text address may not always be according to google map.

2. Do we need to have our own google map api ?

PotionsTeacherPLUSSep 12, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thank you for your questions, thus please see our responses to each below.

1. Unfortunately converting Google Maps links to addresses is not possible, however, you can indeed add a marker by entering the street address in a text format or by using latitude and longitude coordinates.

2. A Google Maps API Key is needed in order to use the Google Maps map engine. However, there is...


Q: Few questions about WP Go Maps

1. Does W Go Maps allows password protected maps, i.e only those who have password can view the maps?
2. Can user submit the map marker via a form?
3. Can map data be directly updated from spreadsheet? For example, users submit the map data (eg store location) via google form which then gets stored in google spreadsheet and then automatically get updated in my wp go maps app?
4. Does WP GO Maps support tools like zapier or pabbly connect for integrating the map data?

PotionsTeacherPLUSSep 9, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thank you for getting in touch, we do appreciate your time.

Thank you for your questions, thus please see our responses below.

1. Password protected maps is not a feature that we support, however, you could achieve a similar result if you are able to display certain pages to logged-in users compared to general site-visitors as this will allow you to show the page with the map to...


Q: Matching Plans to Website


I want to confirm how this plan matches with the website: https://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/

This is essentially the lifetime bundle except you do not include Contenbot.ai.

Is this correct?

1afa799a70544344a595bc20a52915a5PLUSSep 4, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi there
That is 100% correct.


Q: Purchased a week ago, tried to redeem by setting up an account as directed but getting error message.

Submitted a support ticket on WP Go Maps' website about this over a week ago and heard nothing.

Please advise?

servowebsterAug 16, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 4, 2024

A: Hi there
Sorry for the delay in response. We respond to all support tickets and emails on our website within 24 hours (unless over a weekend). Can you please send an email to nick [at] codecabin dot co dot za rather so I can then action it myself.
