Vento Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 272 questions

Q: Do I have to buy a code for every computer I have?

I understand I add this as a Chrome Extension. Do I have to buy a code for every computer I use in my house (that has Chrome)? Thanks for your help!

wildenotionsPLUSSep 20, 2024
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Q: It doesn't record my camera

Hello, I like my Vento account but sadly I'm not able to record the camera, only the tab content. any idea how to debug this on Chrome?

CatalinSep 18, 2024
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Q: Unlimited video hosting

Hi, I love the deal but I've bought way too many deals that went 'heavy heart...'.
I was wondering if you have MRR clients to support the unlimited video hosting for this LTD offer?

SumoSSPLUSSep 18, 2024
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Q: Uploading Videos

I can see in some of the questions below you don't currently have the capability of being able to upload videos.

This is the only thing that's holding me back from purchasing right now, as I have loads of SOPs recorded on Vidyard that I could download and transfer to your software. However, all the time this feature isn't available, I will still have to continue with paying the monthly fee for Vidyard.

My question is, how much of a priority is this feature, and how soon will it be added?


oliver401Sep 17, 2024
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Q: Where are videos stored?

Hello, Are videos stored on your servers or ours or do we have an option like many platforms? Thank you

jojogoPLUSSep 13, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hey there! Videos are stored encrypted on a secure cloud instance of Google cloud platform. We don’t have an option to store your videos locally at the moment. We’re looking into providing that option in the future.
